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Lively User Interface through gestures

Human interacting with mercedes benz in car user interface


In 2018 I got the opportunity to write my bachelor's thesis at Daimler in the Design Experience Creation (DXC) department. My supervisor Dr. Phil. David Wilfinger and I decided that we would like to try to elevate the user experience by facilitating implicit gestures in interaction design. Implicit gestures are movements that naturally occur in the act of doing something. They can give insights into the user's intentions. The knowledge of a user's intent can be used to make a user interface more responsive. Our goal was to create a prototype demonstrating various user interface design use cases of implicit gestures, evaluate them with colleagues, and record our findings.

The result of my thesis where four use cases for implicit gestures with a total of 10 design variants. In the final presentation, the decision was made to incorporate some concepts in the 2020 Mercedes-Benz User Experience (MBUX) generation. Below I showcase some implicit gesture-based interactions of the 2020 MBUX.
